Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Assessment for ASD includes taking a detailed family, developmental, medical, educational and behavioral health history from the parents. Assessment may include cognitive ability, social-emotional functioning and assessment of adaptive skills, and the administration of the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition (ADOS-2). Screening inventories from parents and teachers are also included. Persons between the ages of 12 months to adulthood are eligible for assessment.

If you or your child is diagnosed with ASD we will help guide you with next steps. These might include speech/language therapy, occupational therapy, social skills groups, individual and/or family therapy, parenting techniques for the home, and possible dietitian needs. Each child and family is very unique and each will receive a specific set of post-evaluation recommendations from our clinic.
Autism is a neurological disorder that affects the way a person relates to others, their ability to interact with others, read verbal and nonverbal social cues, make and maintain relationships, and it can affect the development of language and motor skills.
There is a common saying that goes, “If you’ve met one autistic person, you’ve met one autistic person.” No two are alike. Autism affects each person differently. Thankfully there are many ways to help individuals with autism succeed in life. Whether you think your child may have autism, or you wonder if you are affected by this disorder there are ways we can help.
Book recommendations:
Born on a Blue Day, by Daniel Tammet
The Mind-Gut Connection, by Emeran Mayer
The Autistic Brain, by Temple Grandin
Thinking In Pictures: My Life With Autism, by Temple Grandin
Miracles Are Made, by Lynette LouiseTelevision
Series: Fix it in Five with The Brain Broad, an international reality series: