Neurofeedback, which dates back to the early 1900’s, is slowly gaining recognition. And it’s about time. This article provides an easy to understand description. Enjoy!
“The way neurofeedback works is fairly simple: Electrodes are attached to various parts of the skull and hooked up to a computer or tablet of some kind with installed software that reads activity in those regions and computes an appropriate response delivered back to the brain. The brain then uses that data to adjust itself, in the same way that you might be inspired to fix an-out-of place lock of hair while looking in the mirror. As the brain changes, the feedback changes. Think of neurofeedback as a kind of learning for the brain, says Kirk Little, a Cincinnati psychologist and president of the International Society for Neurofeedback and Research. If you tell a dog to sit, push its butt down and give it a cookie 100 times, the dog is going to learn how to sit on its own [when] you just shake the [cookie] box. You’re doing the same thing with the brain’s electrical discharges rewarding people for modifying their brain waves.”